SI Engines work at constant
volume. They have a compression ratio of around 6 - 10. But CI
engines work at constant pressure and has a compression ratio of 16 - 20.
In four stroke engines, one
power stroke is generated for two revolutions of crank shaft. However in
case of two stroke engines, the cycle is completed in one revolution of crank
shaft.Differences between SI and CI engines:
Constant volume cycle.
Constant pressure cycle
Petrol is fuel, which has a high
self ignition temperature
Diesel is used, has a low self
ignition temperature.
These are high speed engines
Low speed engines
Low thermal efficiency
High thermal efficiency
Knocking takes place at the end of
Knocking takes place at the
beginning of combustion.
Homogenous mixture of fuel and
hence a high pressure is formed
Heterogeneous mixture, hence low
pressure is generated.

Differences between Four stoke and Two stroke engines:
stroke Engine
Stroke Engine
Heavy flywheel is used
Lighter flywheel is used
Less lubrication, because of low
wear and tear.
Heavy lubrication
Valve actuating mechanism is used
Only ports are used.
High volumetric and thermal
Lower volumetric and thermal
power ( Ip ) = Energy in fuel - Loss in exhaust, coolant and radiation.Brake
power = Indicated power - Friction powerMechanical
efficiency = Brake power / Indicated power.Engine Construction:Cylinder Block:
It contains the following parts.1. Cylinders in which pistons slide.
2. Port or opening for valves.
3. Passage for cooling water.
Mirror finish required in cylinder block is
obtained by accurate grinding and honing process.Cylinder Head :
The top of cylinder is covered by
cylinder head. It contains combustion chamber and spark plug and also
passage for the flow of cooling water.Crank Case:
It is attached to bottom of cylinder
block. It supports the crank shaft and cam shaft in suitable bearings.Oil pan of sump:
The bottom half of crank case is
called as oil pan. It acts as a reservoir for storage of lubricating
oil. The oil pump draws oil from this oil pan and sends to all working
parts of engine.Cylinder Liner:
There are used inside cylinder
block. They are used to prevent wear of cylinder block. There are 2
types of liners. They are dry and wet liners.In Dry
liners the outer surface of the liner bears against the cylinder block
and hence has to be machined accurately. It is put in position by
shrinking. This induces some amount of stress on the liners. The
liner should not be too loose or tight in the cylinder block. Both can
cause scuffing. The former because of poor heat dissipation and
resulting in higher operating temperatures. The later due to
distortion of the cylinder block, liner cracking , hot spots etc. They are not
in direct contact with cooling water. The thickness is about 1.5 mm to
3.0 mm. They are hardened by nitriding or chrome plating.In Wet
liners the surface is in direct contact with cooling water. Hence no
need for accurate machining. Thickness is about1.5 mm - 6.0 mm. It
forms the complete cylinder barrel and its flange fits with groove of cylinder
This device converts chemical
energy to mechanical energy. Transmits the energy to crank shaft via the
connecting rod. The piston is provided with piston rings between the
piston and cylinder wall. It operates at a temperature of 2000o C
-3000o C. The top of piston is called as head.
Grooves are cut along the circumference of piston for piston rings. The
parts below the ring grooves is called as skirt. This portion is
separating the grooves are called lands.Piston Rings :
These are fitted in the grooves of
piston to maintain the seal between the piston and cylinder wall. The
following are the important functions.1. To prevent blow by because of which the burnt gas
in CC escape via the piston into crank case.
2. To provide heat transfer from the piston crown to
the cylinder liners.
3. Controls the flow of oil to the skirt and
rings. Prevents excess oil to reach the combustion chamber and prevent
In the piston construction, there is a end
gap. This is necessary in order to expand the ring and slip it over the
piston into the ring grooves. The gap is almost closed when the engine
runs. The ring width is usually 1.5 mm. Rings may be provided with
porous phosphate coating to reduce the scoring of the surfaces during
There are two types of rings. They are compression rings and oil control
rings. The compression rings seals the Air / Fuel as the mixture is
compressed. But the oil rings scrap off excessive oil from the cylinder
wall and return to oil pan.
The piston rings are split, so that they can
be slipped insider the piston groove. Usually the Outer diameter of ring
is larger than cylinder bore. When it is installed in the piston, the
joint is closed and piston tightly presses against the cylinder walls.
The number of compression rings depends upon the compression ratio. The Piston
pin connects the piston and small end of connecting rod.Piston clearance :
Some amount of clearance is provided
between cylinder and piston. It is necessary for the following reasons.1. A gap is necessary for lubricating fluid between
piston and cylinder wall.
2. Prevents piston seizure at high operating
usually a gap of 0.025 - 0.100 mm is
provided. If the clearance is large, then piston slap results. It
means the sudden tilting of cylinder. Here the piston shifts from one
side of the cylinder to another. If this clearance is small, then seizure
of piston results.Combustion Chamber :
The region between cylinder
head and piston head when the piston is at TDC is called as combustion
chamber. The inlet and outlet valves are closed and spark plug projects
in it. Depending on the location of spark plug and valves there are
different types of combustion chamber.1. Spherical
2. I shape
3. T shape
4. F shape and
5. L shape.
Connecting Rod:
Connects the piston and crank
shaft. The small end is connected to piston and bigger end is connected
to crankshaft. The function of the connecting rod is to convert the
linear motion of the piston to rotary motion of crankshaft. It is has a I
-Beam section.Crank Shaft:
Contains crank pins, balancing weights
and main journals. Fly wheel is attached to the rear end of crank shaft.Cam Shaft:
It is simply a shaft in which a
number of cams at required angular positions for operating the valves at
exactly the timings relative to the piston movement and in sequence compatible
with the firing order. It is responsible for opening and closing of
valve. The Cam shaft is rotated by crank shaft by means of gears and
chains. Gears are used when the cam shaft is nearer to crank shaft.
In over head valve arrangements chains or toothed belts are used. The cam
shaft turns at half the speed of crank shaft.Engine Valves:
To admit the air-fuel mixture in the engine cylinder and evacuate the exhaust
gases at correct timings these valves are used. They are divided into
three main categories namely Poppet valve, sleeve valve and Rotary valve.Cylinder valve:
There are attached to the top of the cylinder block by means of studs fixed to
the block. Gaskets are used to provide a tight leak proof joint at the
interface of the head and the block The cylinder head forms part of the
combustion chamber. It also contains spark plug or the injector head and
cooling water jackets. Valve openings are also provided in the head upon
which is mounted the complete valve operating mechanism. Depending upon
the valve and port layout, the cylinder head may be classified as loop-flow
type, offset cross flow type or the in-line cross flow type.
In loop flow type the inlet and exhaust valves manifolds are in the same
side. It facilitates preheating of the intake air. The offset
cross-flow type gives lower exhaust valve temperature. The in-line cross
flow type gives better engine performance though costlier. The cylinder
head may be cast integrated with cylinder block in case of racing
engines. However, detachable cylinder head offers many advantages over
the integral construction.1. Production is easier,
2. De-carbonizing and valve grinding is simplified
3. Slight changes in compression ratio is possible.
Engine Performance:Piston Displacement:
The volume displaced by the engine,
when it moves from TDC to BDC.Engine Displacement:
The volume displaced by all pistons
when they move from TDC to BDC.Compression Ratio:
It is the ratio of volume of charge in
cylinder when the piston is at BDC and volume when the piston is at TDC.
Compression Ratio = ( Clearance volume + Displacement Volume ) / Clearance
volume.Volumetric Efficiency:
The volume of A / F mixture taken in
to the cylinder to the volume of cylinders.IHP:
The actual power developed by the
combustion of fuel is called IHP.BHP:
The actual power that the engine
delivers for outside work is called as BHP. It is usually 70 % of IHP.Stochimetric A / F ratio:
A mixture that contains sufficient air for the complete combustion of all fuel
in the mixture.
Equivalent ratio = Actual A/F ratio / Stoichiometric A/F ratio.Different cycles:
Carnot Cycle
2 Isothermal process & 2
adiabatic process
Ericsson Cycle
2 Isothermal process & 2
Constant volume process
Otto Cycle
2 Isothermal process & 2
Constant pressure process
Diesel cycle
2 Isentropic & 2 Constant
volume process
Dual Cycle
2 Isentropic, 1 Constant volume
& 1 Constant Pressure process
Lenoir Cycle
1 Isentropic, 1 Constant volume
& 1 Constant Pressure process
Brayton Cycle
2 Isentropic, 1 Constant
volume & 2 Constant Pressure process
Rating of fuels:
Octane number is used for rating petrol engines. Resistance to knock is
the important characteristic of fuel for SI engines.
Cetane number is used for rating diesel engines.
Lead tetraethyl lead is used as anti knock agent in petrol engines and Amyl
nitrate is used as antiknock agent in diesel engines.Carburetion:
The formation of required combustible fuel mixture by mixing fuel and air
before admission to engine cylinder is called carburetion. There are
three different types of carburetors.1. Solex carburetor.
2. Carter carburetor
3. SU Carburetor.
Dual fuel engines:
Availability of liquid fuel is less. Gaseous fuel is cheaper. Hence
both fuel could be successfully used in high compression ratio engine.
The dual fuel engine works on diesel cycle. The gaseous fuel (The primary
fuel) is added to the air inducted. The mixture of air and gaseous fuel
is compressed in the cylinder just like air in a normal diesel operation.
At some point in the compression stroke, near top dead center, a small charge
of liquid fuel called secondary fuel is injected through a conventional diesel
fuel system. Pilot injection acts as a source of ignition. The
gas-air mixture at the vicinity of the injected spray ignites at number
of places establishing a number of flame fronts. Thus combustion starts smoothly
and rapidly. In a dual fuel engine combustion starts in a manner similar
to CI engine but it propagates by flame front in a manner similar to SI engine.
The power output of the engine is normally controlled by changing the amount of
gaseous fuel. The pilot oil quantity is usually kept constant for a given
engine and is 5 - 7 percent of the total heat of engine at full load. The
dual fuel engine is capable of running on either gas to diesel or a combination
of these two over a wide range of mixture ratios. Without gaseous fuel
the pilot fuel burns like that in a diesel operation. Multi fuel operating engines:
A multi fuel engine is the one which would operate satisfactorily on a wide
variety of fuels ranging from diesel oil, crude oil, lubricating oil, kerosene
to gasoline. The main reason for the development is military
requirement. They require open combustion chamber and the injection pump
needs modification. Variable compression ratio engines and stratified
charge engines are examples of multi fuel engines. Methanol and Ethanol
are good source of alternate fuels. Ethanol can be produced by
fermentation of carbohydrates.Methanol
It can be produced from coal, a relatively abundant fossil fuel. Methanol
has a lower heating value than petrol and is a poisonous liquid. It is
made of bio mass and is in liquid state under normal pressure and
temperature. Following are the unique merits.
- It is in liquid state at Normal
conditions of pressure and temperate and can be easily stored.
- Can be handled easily and
- Can be transported over a long
distance by pipeline.
- Has a higher conversion
- It can be obtained from
renewable bio mass.
- Single boiling point unlike
- More power from the same
The potential for application of bio mass as an alternative source of energy in
our country is very great. Bio mass is produced in nature through
photosynthesis achieve by solar energy conversion. The conversion cycle
is shown belowSolar Energy -------- Photosynthesis --------
Biomass -------- Energy generaation
Bio mass means organic matter. The simplest form of reaction in the
process of photosynthesis is given byH2O + CO2
------- CH2O + OO2CH2O
is the basic molecule forming carbohydrate stable at low temperature. Bio
mass falls under three categories.1. In its traditional form (Wood and agricultural
2. Bio mass in non traditional form (Converted into
liquid fuels)
3. Bio mass is fermented an-aerobically to obtain a
gaseous fuel called bio-gas.
IC ENGINES SI Engines work at constant volume. They have a compression ratio of around 6 - 10. But CI engines work at constant pressure and has a compression ratio of 16 - 20. In four stroke engines, one power stroke is generated for two revolutions of crank shaft. However in case of two stroke engines, the cycle is completed in one revolution of crank shaft.Differences between SI and CI engines:
Constant volume cycle.
Constant pressure cycle
Petrol is fuel, which has a high
self ignition temperature
Diesel is used, has a low self
ignition temperature.
These are high speed engines
Low speed engines
Low thermal efficiency
High thermal efficiency
Knocking takes place at the end of
Knocking takes place at the
beginning of combustion.
Homogenous mixture of fuel and
hence a high pressure is formed
Heterogeneous mixture, hence low
pressure is generated.
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stroke Engine
Stroke Engine
Heavy flywheel is used
Lighter flywheel is used
Less lubrication, because of low
wear and tear.
Heavy lubrication
Valve actuating mechanism is used
Only ports are used.
High volumetric and thermal
Lower volumetric and thermal
Carnot Cycle
2 Isothermal process & 2
adiabatic process
Ericsson Cycle
2 Isothermal process & 2
Constant volume process
Otto Cycle
2 Isothermal process & 2
Constant pressure process
Diesel cycle
2 Isentropic & 2 Constant
volume process
Dual Cycle
2 Isentropic, 1 Constant volume
& 1 Constant Pressure process
Lenoir Cycle
1 Isentropic, 1 Constant volume
& 1 Constant Pressure process
Brayton Cycle
2 Isentropic, 1 Constant
volume & 2 Constant Pressure process
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